A cadastre is a detailed map or plan that shows a property’s details. A cadastre includes the parcel’s dimensions including areas, encumbrances like easements, location and address, Lot numbers and many other details that defines the parcel of land. In Victoria the cadastre is in a digital format that is managed by the government. The cadastre is referred to as the Digital Cadastral Map Base (DCMB) and is accessible to the public via Vicmap Property at Land.vic.gov.au
What is Cadastral Surveying?
Cadastral surveying is the legal process to define the boundaries of land ownership. A Cadastral Surveyor possesses a License to create, change or remove land boundaries in what is referred to as a Certificate of Title. The ‘Title’ is a document that defines ownership of land and is supported (in most cases) by a plan or diagram that positions the land in space and defines the parcel of land’s dimensions. The culmination of all the Titles in Victoria is defined in the DCMB.